Most Helpful Guys

  • (I wish someone would have told me what I'm about to tell you.)

    As a Christian, I would say masturbation is a sin.
    I think if you truly repent* of that sin and trust Jesus Christ as the payment for that sin, that sin is forgiven.

    If you truly repent* of that sin and trust Jesus Christ as the payment for that sin, yet commit that sin again, I believe you are still forgiven, but you should probably confess* your sin to God and determine not to do it again.
    (Even Christians commit sins including masturbation, but they don't practice sin as a way of life.)

    If you MERELY say "I repent of my sin and trust Jesus Christ as the payment for my sin", and keep on doing it with an attitude of "I can do what I want, I'm forgiven." That is probably an indication that you are really not repentant or sorry for your sin.

    To "repent" is to turn 180 degrees to go in the opposite direction.
    To "confess" your sin is to say what God says about your sin.

    Recognize that your sin creates a separation between you and God (and ultimately others). Masturbation undermines a right attitude toward sex. Trust God that He can meet your needs without masturbation or premarital sex. I'd also encourage you to read the gospel of John in the Bible. God loves you. God bless you.

    If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. - I John 1:9

  • I don't believe in an objective good or evil, so if you do, you may not wanna read any further.

    Hell is a human-made concept. To be afraid of it is like being afraid of the Boogeyman. If the boogeyman exists, there would be no doubt about it. Just like any other creature, we would be able to observe it's presence in the physical world. So with hell, since we can't prove it's existence, why worry about it at all. Other than humans, nothing else around us is referencing a "hell." Absolutely nothing. Because it originated from our imaginations.

    Alright, back to masturbation. Even if we would go to hell for such things. Why? Why would we burn for eternity just because we are doing what is possible? What is encouraged by nature? The consequences are blown way out of proportion. And that should be obvious that it's of human origin. For the sole purpose of controlling the masses with scare tactics.

    Am I really going to hell for masturbating?

Most Helpful Girls

  • I assume you feel guilty because of religion?

    This might be a quite biased answer from someone who isn't religious, but I will try.

    Why is it wrong to masturbate and to learn your own body?
    How can you expect to suddenly want sex with your future husband (I just assume this is an "only sex when married with your husband" kind of thing) if you haven't ever fueled your body to that point? How can you go from 0 through life and suddenly be expected to go 100?

    At the very least, learn how your body works, take control of your own pleasure, love yourself.

  • No. You are not. I'm not religious but regardless, the bible was written by people a long time ago. Archaic texts will promote archaic morals. It's okay to be religious and understand that at the same time. You can feel close to God without 2000 year old guilt trips.

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  • Nobody has ever gone there and came back.

    Therefore, it is just as correct to say that you will go to hell for manipulating your body at your age as to say that you will not.

    Caution though for it not to become a habit and to prioritize that body manipulation over the more important things in life.

  • Are you looking for the truth or to feel justified by other people's answers?

  • No, quite the opposite.

    • That makes no sense

    • There's nothing wrong with masturbating, and an orgasm is like a sliver of heaven.

  • Masturbating is healthy and a great way to explore what you like and dont.

    Anyone who tells you that you will be punished for masturbating or sex before marriage are judgmental pricks who need to mind their own damn business. It's your body touch it how you like.

    • Totally

  • Nah, everyone basically does it.

  • No. Heaven would be empty, girl

  • I don't think any one sin can send you to hell. If so we are all going there as we commit hundreds every day.

    • Let’s begin with an important biblical principle taught by our Lord – that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:27-28). A person who practices masturbation without imagining sex with someone is rare indeed, if he or she exists at all. On that basis, the practice is tantamount to engaging in adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior or any number of other sexual practices that the mind can imagine – even idolatry, as revealed in Ephesians 5:5, Colossians 3:5 and Ezekiel 23:49. In a certain sense, it could be said that masturbation is a form of mental pornography, which we all know to be sinful.

  • Unless you live the life of a saint you're going to Hell anyway. Heaven is unattainable, you can live a perfect life then have one tiny sin like not paying attention one day in church and your doomed to burn forever.

  • All Anonymous TROLLS go to Hell regardless!

  • No you’re not going to go to hell for masturbating.

  • Nooooooo not at all. We all have desires but not going to hell unless you rape, use or harm someone else to fulfill your needs.

  • If you go to hell for Masturbating then I'm screwed.

    Why would God send you to Hell for masturbating? It doesn't hurt anybody.

  • No. Carry on.

  • what's ur religion?

  • Well if you are really going to hell for masturbating you better make room for me because I'll be sitting right next to you cuz I should be stroking the hell out of mine they call me the master Jacker

    • master baiter

  • Says who? Based on what?

  • no, it just makes you grow hair on your palms. if you watch porn, you will grow hair on your eyeballs. so it could be a kind of hell.

    lol, no i'm just kidding.

    though, sometimes if you masturbate too much, it can interfere with your ability or desire to connect sexually with a real person *temporarily*.

    sometimes that can be a good thing and sometimes it can be a bad thing.

    Don't be stupid
    And if you're in doubt
    Just go home and rub one out
    -MC Cheese

  • That's between you and what you believe in.

  • No! Set yourself free!

  • I'm sure you are going to a church or something similar. Ok, so I am Greek. I have read the original Bible in Greek. The concept of Hell is a mistranslation to the English language. It doesn't exist. So right there you don't have to worry about going to Hell since there isn't one to begin with. (Doesn't matter what anyone says, this is the truth).

    As for masturbating, God will not punish you for it. It's certainly better than having sex with someone you don't plan to spend the rest of your life with.

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