Are you a bad person if you watch porn?

Seems like there been a rise in anti porn type people on this site lately... so lets just have a show of hands. do you believe that if you watch porn that makes you a bad person?

Are you a bad person if you watch porn?
Yes If you watch porn you are a bad person
Vote A
no it doesn't make you a bad person if you watch porn
Vote B
It depends on the type of porn you are watching
Vote C
If you are single you aren't a bad person for watching, if you are in a relationship you are a bad person
Vote D
It depends on other things (say what)
Vote E
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Girl Guy
13 d
Ok looks like most people here are still non judgmental and in my opinion thats how it should be. As long as you aren’t watching something illegal, then there’s really nothing wrong with it really. Sure you can be addicted to it and thats bad but that goes for being addicted to anything on life, singling out porn just seems odd in that respect.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • It depends if you ever want to be in a relationship or not and it depends on if you wouldn’t mind your partner watching it at any time while in the relationship or not and such.

    Honestly many engage in porn before entering relationships or serious ones. They’re either single or puppy lovers or messing around, but later on if they use it to care of themselves until they find a partner-

    yeah, it makes sense by

    that logic and the biological standard of humans having some “needs” or desires, but what we don’t realize is it can be a drug like addiction because it does effect us chemically speaking and even if no one wants to call it that or if it gets to that- then we can all just admit it’d be a habit.

    Habits are somewhat hard to break. I will give personal experience how I was trying to cultivate a serious relationship with my boo and we hadn’t discussed porn. At some point I found it a difficulty especially in a rough patch and I went to it. I wanted to ESSENTIALLY include bits from my old life that I didn’t want to include in my new life. I had to make a splitting decision basically because he viewed it as cheating and tbh the more I did that the more I drifted from him emotionally and I love him with all my heart. I want years of good sexual intimacy with him. Him only.

    So I didn’t realize the grasp and hold porn had on me. We think we’re ready to say goodbye to porn at some point in our lives, but porn may not always be ready to say goodbye to us..

    How can anyone say they’re mature and independent with porn when it chemically affects them?

    like… it’s like taking beer- not being sober- and not being able to make rational decisions and being impulsive.

    Orgasming and all of that and porn usage and a distant relative to this so the high can affect many in a similar manner.

    How can anyone be disciplined with this is what I’m saying.. 🤷‍♀️

    I've read somewhere even that love is like I don't know a mental illness? Or obsession? It’s literally something like that if we’re talking psychology terms. I forget the context of it and where but it seemed legit and interesting. If we fall for our partners for various reasons including some mental obsessions or an addiction then it seems if we can get that way with our forever and the one we get turned on by and want to LOSE control with…

    then it seems it can happen with porn.

    So you have to decide

    do you want to marry porn for the rest of your life or marry a person who will commit to you and expect and hope for and really just deserve the same?

    If you think YOU PERSONALLY can handle being able to walk away

    NO strings attached?

    well I won’t stop you.

    Porn doesn’t make sexual and biological humans BAD

    but it can make them bad people when they can’t be a certain person or a person of a certain standard moral or quality- loyalty or commitment to another person they could call their own.

    At the end of the day- however much I enjoyed or felt like it was a reliable go to- those people were not connecting with me and they enjoyed their moment alone or with someone else- they don’t know who you are and many will probably not care.

    So that being the case it’s better to find someone who does. And offer their body as a real tangible gift you can have and enjoy and the vice versa.

    If anyone asked me before a while back in my lates teens and like I don't know 20 year I’d say porn doesn’t make them bad but they could MATERIALIZE

    ask me when I was an early teens I’d add some spirituality to it and marriage ideals and say it’s bad cause it’s like a dampener on a person’s innocence or purity and all that jazz.

    My early months of 21 I’d say no. People are already bad or good via other stuff sex would just give a microphone or display to what was already there. Yk tramuas can show up in fetishes and all of that or things people may be exposed to. It’s also a part in the whole dom and sub.

    Those are preferences affected by other stuff right?

    Well having porn as a preference long term or not could be from other effects as well.

    Not choosing porn and that being a preference- the same story.

    I really think honestly and from a meaning well standpoint. Someone who was ready to be all pervy or messy. Have any kind of fetish decided that was not for me and it was a struggle in the beginning.

    Listen we know it’s not reality, but there’s REAL humans in it. It’s not our reality

    but the fact of using as a tool becomes our reality if we make it a routine and making it so can make it a definite habit and if not careful and addiction.

    And this type of addiction if it becomes a it or your partner choice- it will seriously hurt.

    It can ruin relationships.

    Unless ofc the other partner didn’t care for body count and porn usage as well as masturbation

    but even if they think they’re okay and both are okay- it could drift into open relationships or being swingers and it can fail because of the lack of realizability and lack of connection/vulnerability and habit together or being together.

    Tough to explain but who cares about the people fucking on the site and seeing that good or not.

    Really look at it as a lifestyle and if you can walk away from it if LATER you want a lifestyle that includes someone you’re just mad about.

    Best to you!

    • Depends on the persons lifestyle preference. This lifestyle they can become attached and hard to let go They have to be mindful of this if they ever just want to drop it and start a DIFFERENT life with a new habit- more like memories both sentimentally pure and the steamy ones with their bae boo bff lol

    • Type doesn’t even matter unless that transfers to reality and crimes or simple disrespect for others regardless of gender race or age. Voted depends.

    • It’s not just the habit but it affects arousal tendencies. If Someone won’t whip us or or mention it we have to still love them and have good sex. So that’s just and example and I’m rushing maybe I should delete and redo cause it’s a lot of info really lol But yeah just see if it’s a lifestyle you want for the rest of your life. I think it just encourages distance in all honesty The sexual openness and willingness can lead to drifting and a lack of commitment Or just FEELINGS for the other partner So you just always end up alone or a fuck boy/girl/ one night stand thing type of person That also does increase chance of STDs and in all honesty you’ll have moments of loneliness so I don't know if it’s the best in all honesty. It’s doesn’t make humans bad It can just make a person bad unintentionally when and if they decide they want to be in a relationship and settle down. Yeah tough stuff lol

  • It depends on the type of porn that you’re watching, and whether you’re able to identify what’s make-believe and what’s reality.

    • what do you think of people who are just against any porn whatsoever? even the most vanilla types of it?

    • I think that those people are a bit delusional. There’s nothing inherently wrong with porn. For example, if you’ve gone to a small OF creator, bought one of their vanilla videos and then enjoyed it, where is the evil in that? You’ve just paid them for their work, and you know that they made it themselves, they were not forced into it.

    • Exactly. You pretty much nailed my thoughts on this well

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately too. It definitely has me curious because I wonder what’s prompting it.

    I think a lot of these man-o-sphere guys champion it, but it’s more about not being a weak man or being focused on achieving goals or not using up testosterone or some bullshit, lmao.

    I don’t know about all that, but I hear more and more about people being addicted to porn, and that has me curious too. Like I find it hard to conceive, but I suppose it’s the same as addiction to alcohol or gambling, neither of those things draw me in in an addictive way, but for others, it’s just got a hold of them that I just can’t understand.

    What I DON’T understand is how that works. Like maybe I’m doing this wrong but don’t you just find something you want to watch, get a nut, and go on about your day? Like especially in a guy’s case…. you’re done for a bit, lmao. Are people…. are people watching porn while NOT punching the clown? That’s FBI watchlist shit, if so, lmfao. Nah, but in seriousness, if THAT’S what porn addiction entails, that’s wild to me.

    But as far as being “bad” as a general consumer? I mean…. I think a lot of that comes down to how much you idealize sex. If you have the mentality that sex with a new partner “taints” you in a way you weren’t before you had sex with them…yeah, porn might be kind of weird for you. If you see it as just a pleasurable act between two (or maybe more, haha) humans that no one should really be keeping a scoreboard on, it’s probably easier to digest.

    Another concern would be the ethics of the porn industry. I’m sure there’s an ugly side, and that should be cleaned up through regulation. We have someone on set at regular movie sets to make sure kids or animals or people in general are being treated within whatever guidelines, so why should porn be different? A lot of people are weird about sex so we can’t get it on the table for open discussion.

    Also, I think a lot of the “bad” repercussions people who have performed in that industry may face socially or professionally after the fact, that’s more on society and the business world for being judgmental and oppressive towards a group of people some have decided they don’t like.

    As for how it relates to a relationship…. if you’re prioritizing porn over actual sex, that obviously should be addressed, because if either someone would rather be jacking/jilling off than being intimate with their partner, or they’ve already exhausted themselves, that’s no good, clearly. Or is there a lack of intimacy in the relationship and they’re resorting to it, but the partner still doesn’t like it? That can be a mess.

    A little bit of an unpopular take, but I do wonder sometimes how much of women’s objections to porn just simply is resentment for a raising of the performance bar. In some senses that’s reasonable, they do some wacky shit in porn that’s a tough sell in real life, but in other stuff…. it’s just like…. I assure you, guys don’t want X/Y/Z because they saw it in porn, it EXISTS in porn because they know guys want to see it. We’ll still be trying to do freaky shit to you ladies no matter what we do or don’t watch, we’re absolute hounddogs😂

    That said…. there’s WEIRD porn out there, lmao. Like it’s even infiltrating the mainstream shit, all kinds of step-family stuff…. who is this for?😂 I get the sense people just watch it for the chick and try to ignore the “we can’t tell mom and dad about this” stuff (😱😱😱), it gets clicks, and they’re like “looks like this stuff is doing really well! Make more of it!”🤦‍♂️😂

    So, it depends what you’re watching maybe, but barring anything questionable, I think the only hurdle left is “can you consume this and maintain a barrier between fantasy and reality?” It’s ok to learn a better way to position yourself or her for something; it’s NOT ok to watch and say “I’m going to cut a hole in the middle of this pizza and deliver it to that sorority house at work tonight with my dick sticking out of it, and a steamy six-way with hot co-eds will for sure ensue!” Like you have even bigger problems than porn if you’re thinking like that, lmao.

    So, barring addiction, barring anything illegal, barring it affecting the intimacy in your relationship, I don’t see why it can’t be manageable for most people. Keep the industry clean and regulated, stop ostracizing performers and ex-performers, and keep a healthy perspective towards it, use it as entertainment, and not an instruction manual for how you approach sex, other than picking up some pointers on technique, because, I mean…. who else do we get to watch fuck as an example? Otherwise we’re just sticking it in there and flopping around clumsily, trying and probably failing to figure it out, lmao.

    It can be a lot of fun if you know how to do it right, but we get weird about it, and won’t even discuss it. Are we supposed to be taught by watching our parents?🤢🤢🤢 HARD PASS, lmfao. And it’s a crime to go peeking in people’s windows, haha, so what are we supposed to do?😂

  • Over 30 people that took part in porn killed themselves in a short space over a few months, some were suicides, drug overdoses and infections. Many children are groomed into it so they become numb to what they do as adults on camera. People are trafficked for it. People who do it are often from a damaged lifestyle or end up damaged physically, sexually and emotionally. You can make all the excuses you want but it won't change the facts. Even if just one person suffered any of those things I mentioned, that is enough to say 'enough is enough'. Most people want to find excuses and reasons to continue in sin due to the pleasure and your update shows exactly that. It is not about being a good or bad person, but what you do once you know the facts.

    Think all of this stuff is harmless fun?

    This is a comment from one of the women in it...

    “What you were actually watching in that video was me being raped”

    If knowing all of this, you still choose to watch it, or make excuses for it then you have a problem...

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What Girls & Guys Said

17 20
  • What do you think @still-alive?

    • @petitedollbabee pretty much summed up my thoughts on it well. Ill defer to her answer

  • I can say it depends on what type and also if you're in a relationship and the agreement that you have with your partner.
    Also if it's addiction...
    Everything in excess is bad! Remember

  • I don't think so no. I mean, if in the privacy of their own home they want to watch people have sex, that's fine. And as long as it isn't illegal porn. I'm not visual so watching that stuff would never be for me. But if my future partner watches it, it is what it is. Unless it affects the sexual life in a bad way, I cannot tell them anything. They're free to watch it if they want to.

  • I would say it depends on the kind of porn you watch. If there's violence, minors or if someone was forced to do porn (even though you can really be sure of that) then yes, you're a bad person.

    Otherwise I would say you aren't.

  • It depends. If it’s illegal variants of porn (child, animals, non consensual, etc) then it is most definitely wrong.

  • Yes, if you watch kid porn, knowingly, you are doing something bad.
    If you're consuming porn knowing about the evils of it and still don't care... you're a part of the problem. You can lie to yourself all you want. You can come up with logical reasoning like any addict would but you're apart of the problem.

  • the problem is the imagery it creates, the false sense of reality, and the addiction it creates.

    the good or bad is in terms of the results it brings.

    you can judge that yourself.

    I'm not bad for eating sugary foods, but they aren't good and have a negative effect.

  • Depends on the content. I watch it for entertainment purposes 🤣. I’m not a hypocrite. But if the content is illegal, you’re a bad to the bone mf.

    • Mm hmm 🧐

  • I don't think it means you're a bad person, just like I don't think being an alcoholic or crug addict means you're a bad person. It just means you have some unresolved damage that you need to get rid of.

  • Your not a bad person unless it's illegal types of porn.

    The porn industry has an influence on technology because anything new that can be used for porn they will try it and make the most of it eg video streaming wa in its infancy when YouTube started but porn streaming sites outnumbered regular streaming sites which probably tested the tech to the limit and allowed it to develop.

  • - It's bad if you think that sex is like it is in porn.
    - It's also bad to expect to get the same things.
    Porn is it's own thing and if you understand that then you'll be fine.

    When it comes to relationships it depends on what your partner thinks about it. You set your boundries and compromises together.

    Though it messes with our associations and reward-system (in our minds). It can be a problem but it doesn't have to be.

  • Porn in general isn't healthy. Statistics show that whether you single or not it becomes an addiction and also brings a fake idea of what sex should be like or feel like. Doesn't make you a bad person but it does have a lot of negative repercussions' later in life. Porn isn't good for anyone period.

  • Yes because it's supporting a immoral industry

    • welp i guess im a bad person then... thanks for that lol

    • I think a lot of people don't realize how bad it really is because it's normalized in our society

    • im sure lots do. a lot don't care but myself i try to carefully screen out anything i think has been done unethically. there is such a thing as 'ethical porn' where the actresses are doing it without any coercement whatsoever and have protections in place to make what they do go smoothly. i also watch amateur stuff that is less fake and uploaded by only the people themselves and not through a porn studio.

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  • ONLY if it involves children. Enjoy your weird kinks and highly specific search results, I'm not judging, but you can go to hell if there's a child in there ☺

    • Legal content is legitimate content preach lady preach

    • Anything else, is illegal and should be taken down/reported to admin on even official sites like official pornhub or official video hamster or xhamster something

  • There are no bad people just bad choices. Porn can be a bad choice but isn't by default.

    • When is it a baf choice?

    • Choosing to watch child porn, for example.

    • Ok aside from illegal stuff like that though?

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  • Yes... you're are a vicious spirit... desperately in need of taming. Cum... submit to your Mistress!🤡🤡🤡

    Are you a bad person if you watch porn?
  • No..

    • Are you a user?

    • @jjj101010 once in a while. Not typically.

    • I think most girls are more stimulated by their imagination, guys r more visual

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  • You can't watch anything these days without someone making you feel guilty. Now it turns out we are all criminals for watching iCarly, Sam & Cat, and well, pretty much everything on Nickelodeon. :(

    • Its Dan Scneiders fault lol

    • That chubby guy may have been a jerky boss but he didn't molest any of the kids. The "Pickle Boy" was raping a male teen actor for months and he got out of jail rather quickly and immediately landed a new job. And everyone wrote the judge letters about how awesome he is. Lol. What a world!

    • Ariana Grande 🤤💕💦👌

  • It depends if the porn is ethical or not.

    • Mmm ☺️

  • No, it's not wrong of course, it depends on what you are watching, if you get turned on by children, the elderly, animals, then it might be bad, but not so much the porn, but the content.

    If, on the other hand, you watch normal stuff, bdsm, fetish, traditional sex, it is not wrong.

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