Guys, Bald pussy?

Do guys prefer the fully shaven look or trimmed?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Fully shaven is the sexiest to me. But nicely trimmed is great to. Just not too much that you can't even see the girls vagina. If you can only see a bush. I think that's a turn off.

    • I agree, no to the Bush 😂

    • Question for you. Do you like guys to have lots of hair around his dick? Or do you like guys that are clean shaved and bald around their dick? I'm normally all natural with hair down there. But tried completely shaved one time.

    • I prefer men natural 😊 its manly & I like a manly man

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  • Fully shaved is best to me I love a bare kitty 😏. Trimmed is nice too I like the triangle shape the most.

    • I'm no artist I'd probably have a wonky triangle if I attempted 🙈🤣 best stick to fully shaven haha

    • Lol bet your triangle will be terrible!!! Jk aye no guy is gonna hate your triangle. “Is that a rhombus?” A guy will appreciate it shaved though that takes a lot of time.

    • Shaved has gotta be nicer for the man who's going down there too 👇🐱😂

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What Guys Said

  • Guys, Bald pussy?
  • Waxed bare, front and back.

    • Painful 🙈🤣

    • But oh so smooth. I'm a bit of a sexual sadist so I love waxing my gal.

  • Fully shaven. I hate the argument that it's "prepubescent" looking. It's like saying a full bush makes one look like a grandma. It just, no, that's wrong.

    Men are visual creatures. Being able to see everything is an IMMENSE turn on. Ain't nobody got time to go hacking through the brush to get to the pussy. As for trimmed, yeah, it's okay, but it still prevents skin-to-skin contact and it still hides stuff.

    That said, the shapes are cool. The heart/strip/etc, etc. As long as the good bits are completely visible.

    Not to mention, it adds to sex, because you get some extra skin-to-skin contact, which is frankly amazing. Well, if the guy is shaved, I guess. But I've shaved since I was 14, and I really like the pubic bone - pubic bone + skin-to-skin contact a lot, even though I know most women prefer a man to have some hair. I like it, so I keep it.

    On the same hand, if you like it a specific way, you should keep it that way, too. But yes, you'll find most guys like clean shaven, or the shapes.

  • I must be one of the few men who likes the bush on a woman, I really like the retro triangle, I think it's sexy and feminine if trimmed.

    I don't like the fully clean shaven or fully waxed vagina, I prefer at least a landing strip

  • Fully shaven. I actually prefer waxed the best though! And I wax too so like... it’s hot! Haha!

    • Ooh painful tho 🤣