You just need to man up and be like, listen, I love you alot, I love what we have together, but I happened to sleep with someone else, and they gave me this.
And you need to tell him ASAP. I know the diseases are curable. I got one of them once, and you basically have to take 4 small pink pills and one big white one, and can't have any sexual contact with any1 for a month.
Tell him today, so he can go take these pills and he can wait the month out. I really hope he isn't sleeping with anyone else, cause then that would suck for him if he has to explain this to anyone...
Tell him today, call him, and get it over with. After this if you guys really want to continue your FWB relationship, I would suggest setting some ground rules if you guys are gonna be screwing people outside of your FWB relationship. aka first rule, is condom with anyone else.0 0 0 0If you're that worried about his reaction, just tell him and a text or phne call. He might get upset initially, in spite of the fact tha tyou never agreed to be exclusive, but aftter he thinks it over, he'll calm down.
Howver, it could well be the end of your relationship...since STDs are so rampant now, this is bound to open in 'open' relationsips, more than just this once!0 0 0 0
Most Helpful Girls
Ur beating yourself up too much for this..are you 100% sure its because of this other guy..u said jason had sex with other people as well maybe you got it from hin..its a possibility I went through that..thinking I got it from one guy but it wasfrom my to him and tell him he HAS to get checked and that its curable and please STOP having sex until your done with your treatmeant and he gets his..they will give you and him pills and can't have sex for like a week or so
0 0 0 0What makes you think it was from the other guy and not from Jason? However let both guys know and see to it that they notify anybody that they have had sex with. The cure is simple and no reason to let it spread further. Fix it then get back to f*ckin!
0 0 0 0I know this is late, but what ended up happening? Kinda going through the same thing right now... :( but mine isn't curable.
0 0 0 0Well, we ended up losing our friendship for reasons other than the STDs. But as far as those are concerned, he just ended up getting tested and treated, and that was pretty much that. Of course, he was a little freaked out, but the important thing was that it was curable, and that was all he was really concerned with. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this. If you need to talk, I'm here. ")
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1 9The best way to go about telling him is to just tell him. It's not like he can be mad at you. He doesn't own that right. You both agreed that you can sleep with other people. So it is what it is. Also, he's just as much as fault because he should have used a condom. You two are open to sleep with anyone you want. So you're just welcoming all kinds of STD's in the picture. Just count yourself lucky that both infections are curable and you didn't pass along something worse.
0 1 0 0You need to face these problems if your going to sleep around with more than one partner, and telling someone you are infected comes with that situation, regardles of how they might take it, they have a right to know, but he is not innocent in this, he also knew the risks of his behavior , so really, he should expect it,x
0 0 0 0Check this link where you can break the news anonymously
0 0 0 0Sooner the better. Longer you wait, greater chances he infects someone else.
0 0 0 0For what its worth, I suspect its at least partially his choice that he's non monogamous. Did you tell him he had to sleep with you? Did you forbid him to use condoms? He took the risks, just like you, and you both lost - thankfully in a small way. Its no more your fault then his fault.
you just have to tell him. there is no best way aside from explaining it just the way you did here. Lay your cards on the table, explain that you didn't know you had it til a few times after hooking up with him and tell him you wanted him to know so he could get himself checked out.
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