Is anyone here homophobic?

No judging, I'm just curious as to why you are?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't feel I really do. I've technically experimented with 2-3 men in the past and it wasn't for me. They don't do anything that I'd react differently to a girl with. When I messed around it was a long time ago. Outside of that I've only really had 1 awkward moment with someone who I only suspected was gay but I can't confirm it. He approached me in the gym with the weirdest vibes wanting to shake my hand. I swear he fit all the stereotypes but it wasn't a big deal. When in a public place there's never any worry especially.

    I find it funny when a guy finds out someone is gay and goes freakishly nuts with the "Well... don't hit on me!" attitude like a homosexual automatically finds all men attractive. It's like they don't realize they have preferences too. Ironically the people with such an attitude tend to not even be attractive themselves.

    The only thing I do wish homosexuals/bisexuals would stop doing is messaging me when I use craigslist trying to suck my dick. They have deliberately tried to contact me endlessly ignoring my ad that deliberately states that I don't want them to message me. It's a 100% heterosexual ad. Some have even sent me dick pics stating they're male... like I couldn't figure that out! But they're probably just seeing the photos and ignoring the texts of the ad anyway and spamming away which I'm sure many heterosexual guys are doing with girls who use online dating who state not to message them for a hook up.

  • Not at all. I realise that my sexuality as a straight guy has no baring on what is and is not acceptable. Other consenting adults can do whatever the fuck they please.

    I noticed a few answers with a sentiment like 'Is it homophobic to be turned off by gays?'. I just want to weight in there -
    No. As a straight person, you are totally allowed, and expected, to find the idea of 2 same sex people kissing, or more, gross. Of course you find it gross, idiot, you're straight and thus, not supposed to like it. It only becomes homophobia when you decide that your status as a straight gives you reason to try to stop same sex couples from doing their thing when it's non of your business.

    As for guys who are scared of gays flirting with them. Oh, boo hoo. Someone might, on occasion find you handsome. Poor you.
    Besides, as a straight guy, do you have the overwhelming urge to just pounce on every girl you see and start humping wildly? No? That's what I thought. Then what's the issue with a gay guy being around you?
    Man, if I had a gay workmate or whatever, and he thought I had a nice butt, I'd be flattered. :P

    • Hooray! Most helpful! It's because I'm so handsome.

    • I thought you did a great explanation :D

    • Yup, ur answer was cool. ^ _ ^ Well-deserved MHO.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I think being homophobic is like being racist.

    Most people don't THINK they're homophobic and nobody will admit they're homophobic, but there are a lot of homophobic people out there.

    Homophobes are like Donald Sterling or your racist grandmother lol they can say/do things completely 1000% homophobic, but won't know or realize why what they did is wrong

    • interesting point!

  • I wouldn't say I am "homophobic" because I do not have a fear of homosexuals. I would probably follow into category of "anti gay" however, I don't have a hatred towards gays, I just don't support them whatsoever and if I see two people of the same sex kissing in public, I get grossed out.

    • oh ok. I would get confused because it was called homo"phobic", like whats so scary?

    • It's not a phobia no, it's just used to describe intolerance.

    • The etymology of a word DOES NOT equal its meaning. Do you think haemophilia means the love of blood? Besides, if you're actually going by etymology, homophobia would be the fear of the same. So shut up and stop trying to excuse bigotry.

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  • Homophobes don't usually acknowledge their homophobia instead they just make lame excuses and to why society should cater to their delicate sensitivities.

    • Whis is further evidence on how homphobia and racism are the same thing in principle, as racists also don't usually acknowledge their racism.

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 23
  • Shit, I won't even drink pink lemonade.

    Kidding, I love the gays.

    • hahaha!

  • There is no such thing as homophobia. Phobia stands for an extreme or an irrational fear over an aversion of something. They aren't afraid of gays, they just don't accept them.

  • Dayyum homosexuals..

    But no I love the gays. My sisters a lesbian and my uncle is gay.

    • Awesome! When did your sister come out?

    • She came out about 7 years ago. She's been with a her current gf for 3 years, and that girl is like family. When they first got together my mom said it was an abomination but now looks at her gf as her like own kid and said shed be proud to go to their wedding People change. Love changes people, even if its not your own. Its something relatable and beautiful that brings us together. All being gay is, is who you love. Homophobia is about hate so to be homophobic is heartless

  • Not in the slightest.

  • I'm homohobiaphobic.

    • nice!

  • I used to be like, a decade ago but it was common in the school I was in at the time. Most of them are good people, I just don't like the sexually aggressive ones or the heterophobic ones (Yes, it is a very real thing these days, gays hating straight people) I can't help it, I love the big bouncy boobies, gays gotta suck it up lol

    • Oh yeah, well nice for changing your view! It is sort of strange being heterophobic haha, but I suppose it's a way of making fun of homophobes or something? I am not really clear on why a gay person would hate straight people since there probably are a lot in their life

    • Well straights and gays will be at war with each other as long as they both continue to go about their lives not fully understanding each other, its just human nature to hate/fear the unknown. One time I walked passed a gay club and one of them shouted something obnoxious at me because I was wearing a white shirt and nice shoes, I said to him "What is wrong with you man? Why you hate me because im dressed manly? Hating straight people makes you just as bad as those who hate you for being gay" There's always massive debate on this subject i've noticed lol. Well I have to accept gays anyway because my brother is bisexual and if I began hating my own brother over something he can't help that would be immoral and make me a traitor lol. Im introverted and my bro still likes me (Most people around here are the opposite)

  • I just don't want to be hit on by dudes, thats all.

    • Wow i just got the most vote downs ever, on any comment i have ever made.

    • hahaha yeah you got quite a few

    • I guess there are some gay people out there that want to hit on me.

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  • I don't understand homophobes really. Like why get so worked up over someone else's lifestyle?
    I never made any gay friends, mostly because there weren't a lot in my school lol, but I couldn't care less about their orieintation lol. Who am I to dictate what they're allowed to be attracted to or not lol?

    My father is super homophobic and my mom is somewhat tolerant. I'm just indifferent to it all lol.

  • Homophobes don't admit it
    they just say homosexuality is unnatural and wrong.

    • which is kind of the definition of a homophobe isn't it?

    • I guess but they don't call themselves that

  • nope at all!!! i respect the sexual orientation of anyone

  • Nah, my mom is pro-gay.

  • I hate homo sapiens and prefer homo erectus.

    Unfortunately, evolution has decided for me which species lives and dies.


    • hahaha!

  • Nope. Gay guys are easy to defend against.
    • I love that movie! Hahaha

  • I'm not homophobic. I'm just straight.

    • there's a large difference with that, haha. You can be gay and homophobic because you're scared to face your feelings, too. Just because someone is straight doesn't mean they will be homophobic of course!

    • Yes. Exactly. I'm not gay. But I don't hate gays. I respect their sexual preference. So I'm not homophobic.

  • Term "homophobia" is made up to look homosexual community less bad (and to actually blame those who don't accept them) and incorrect (something that majority due to lack of education don't care about).

    "Phobia" stands for fear. A good example is arachnophobia (a fear of spiders): a person can freak out and gets scared easily as soon as he sees the spider. Or hemophobia (fear of blood): a person can faint as soon as he sees blood out of fear.

    Now those people who are wrongly called by this badly made up term "homophobic" do not posses fear towards homosexuals. They are disgusted by homosexuality and that is completely different feeling than fear. "Disgust" and "fear" and 2 very different things.

    So please, stop using this word.

    • pho·bi·a ˈfōbēə/Submit noun an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. "he had a phobia about being under water" synonyms: fear, irrational fear, obsessive fear, dread, horror, terror, hatred, loathing, disgust, detestation, aversion, antipathy, revulsion, repulsion it can also mean that you are disgusted by it, so I will continue using that word :)

    • Using the same logic if you're disgusted by olives, people can start calling you "olivephobic". Main definition is "fear", rest are synonyms. Synonyms are not always the same thing, such as "kind" and "good" are close, yet still different.

    • Alrighty-o

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  • I am not. A bit ignorant on their issues but I am learning.

    • congrats for trying to learn :)

  • I'm not homophobic since I have no fear from homosexuals, I feel hatred towards them nor discriminate against them.. But I don't like the sight of two men kissing.

    • well I'm pretty sure a gay guy wouldn't like the sight of two women kissing! That's totally acceptable

  • No I am not if I know someone is gay. But gay couples doing PDA can make me uncomfortable honestly. Just being completely honest, and knowing this site I will catch hell for that but hey just looks so unnatural to me it makes me uncomfortable, can't help it.

    • At least you had the balls to be honest!

  • I am not homophobic, but I do not believe in the lifestyle

    • But it's not a lifestyle. It's like a red haired girl; she doesn't decide to be born with red hair. She can color it, but it will always be red. It's the same.

    • But she chooses to act upon it. She can have "feelings" towards the same sex, but acting upon those feelings is a different matter. Regardless, it is a sin.

    • It's not a sin. Maybe it is in your religion, but that book was written, I don't know how many years ago. So it's clearly not up to date, and you can't act as if it is. Things have changed, that book doesn't mean anything no more. A homosexual can never be truly happy, in a straight relationship. That would be the same, as if someone forced you to marry a man. If you wan't them never to act upon their feelings, then you condemn then to a life alone. Is that okay? No it's fucking not.

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  • Nope not at all

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