Is sex a basic human right?

In the Netherlands sex is considered a basic human right. So disabled citizens can recieve government funds to pay for prostitutes up to 12 times a year? In America you go to jail for trying to satisfy normal sexual urges, like hiring a prostitute. Something is wrong with us, we judge the people that can't find a partner for whatever reason and expect them to remain celibate. One of the reasons all our catholic priests are becoming pervs!.
I do find sex as a basic need
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I do not find sex as a basic need
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just legalize it and let them pay for their own
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Understand that the question is: a disabled person and i am now including people that for whatever reason cannot ever get into a sexual relationship (dis-formed, hideous, etc.) should have the right to hire a partner that is willing to perform coitus or sexual act for a monetary exchange. which they would never get otherwise
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  • I don't think you have the right to have sex with someone who doesn't want to. That would obviously be ridiculous.

    But I do think it's a basic human right to seek it out and have it with a willing partner.

    I've always understood that prostitution was illegal because of the complications of forced prostitution, extortion, abduction, diseases and who pays for the kid. Not because people don't trade money for sex. I mean, the mail order bride thing is technically legal and that's way worse than buying someone what they want in return for sex. Porn is just paying someone to have sex with you. It's pretty well known that prostitution is perfectly legal so long as you film it and say you plan to post it somewhere.

    I do think it's a human right. Much more so than internet access which I also think is a human right. But there is an important distinction. That doesn't mean you are entitled to have someone else provide it. You don't have to pay for internet, you don't have to buy food and eat it. Nobody can FORCE you to drink water, but if someone is actively preventing you from obtaining those things legally they should be executed.

    Should the government pay prostitutes for disabled people? No, probably not. But they should pay disability, and they should mind their own buisneses when it comes to how people spend it. Female ferrets can literally die if they don't have sex. Men aren't that dependant on it, but it definitely had psyclogical reprecussuons.

    But, I think for humans, it has a lot more to do with affection, compassion, togeatheness and feeling accepted. Jerking off a ferret solves the problem, but only if you cuddle them afterwords. No creature should be locked in a box by itself with no love and no affection. Socializing is a psyciatric need, if you take that away from a human it WILL cause psyciatric harm.

    Rape is never okay or justifiable in any way, but I think most of those guys are mentally damaged by years of rejection. Using your hand is way easier, but it's not about the sex. It's about the social and emotional aspect of it even if they don't know that themselves.

    I think it should be considered a human right in the same way happiness and prosperity are. You have the right to persew them. Nobody is allowed to prevent you from working towards your own happiness, or property, or sexual/physical/emotional/social desires.

    I absolutely think that persuit of sexually activity falls under persuit of happiness.

    I think the reason most women don't feel or consider sex to be a "need" but most men do is that very few women are ever outright socially rejectet. It's not about the physical side of things, it's about feeling loved. Even if most guys aren't able to vocalize that.

    So yeah, I think it's a human right. It's basic freedom and persuit of happiness. But nobody is obligated to do it with you. Nobody is obligated to bring you water, but if the government was preventing people from drilling wells that would be a problem.

    That said, prostitution can be much more harmful to others than drilling a well. I think the solution to the problem is to stop being so awful to other people. Don't build social constructs that leave some people in solitary confinement. Teach people that unique people aren't bad and wrong but often have the most to offer.

    • Problem is, out government does the opposite and it's no accident. They want everyone to be the same, easier to control the masses with a one size fits all solution. So they teach people to be like chickens and gang up to peck the weird ones and weak ones to death before they can defend themselves. I think we all have the right to find where we fit in, and belong. And the real injustice is that society refuses people basic socialization and affection. If people had that, masturbation would probably be enough. But without it... That's why you say people tied up in basements for 20 years. I'm not saying that's okay, there is never an excuse for kidnapping. I'm just saying it wouldn't happen if people wern't conditioned to reject anyone different. You aren't entitled to sex, but you have the right to chase your own friendships, happiness, affection, and desires. The problem isn't that we don't pay for disabled people to have prostitutes. Or even that we don't let them spend their own money on them. The problem is that all humans have an innate desire to socialize and be loved, and we pay schools, tabloids, Hollywood and government thought police to indoctrinate the masses into ostracizing anyone who is different. That's where the human rights violation occurs, but most people don't even know it happens, even when it happens to them. Rapists don't know that they actually just want to be loved. They just know they are in pain and have to touch someone else. They keep doing it because it doesn't work, but it's the best option they can think of.

    • Me, I have a cat. She loves me because I'm good to her. You can't tell a cat how to think, they formulate their own opinions based on results. I think we should provide disabled people with social groups, pets, and masturbatory aids while we work on restoring the right to assembly, free thought, and persuit of happiness for all people. But shit, that isn't going to happen so I support letting them use their disability check to hire hookers. Only problem is, in the long run, it won't be any different than masturbating. The actual need is to be loved. The human rights violation occurs when the people in power brainwash the masses into ostracizing anyone who is different and thinking they deserve to suffer by themselves in the dark. That's the real problem. Rape and prostitution are just symptoms of it.

  • I do not consider sex as a basic need.

    And I honestly HATE that most humans are so degenerate and disgusting that they do. It's so disgusting that people are gross in this regard.

    With that said though, people shouldn't go to jail just for having a vice or sinning. I mean, tobacco, alcohol, and gambling is all legal; why not just legalize marijuana and escorts, while we're at it? I still think they're vices and things people should NOT be happily engaging in, especially loose, disgusting sex with strangers. But I value consistency and freedom in society more than people having self-respect and not abusing their bodies and others.

    But I guess when the world is as messed up as it is, it's no surprise why people do things like drink, smoke, get high, piss away their money on dumb luck, and have sex with non-partners. These are merely symptoms to a bigger problem in society. And since I do eat fast food every now and then, I am not without sin of my own vice.

    In an ideal world, nobody would be having nasty sex with strangers or anyone who isn't their committed partner. But we live in THIS world. So yeah, might as well go all-in on the self-destructive habits and vices. Hire all the whores and watch all the porn you want.

    • I'll also add in, I am DEFINITELY in the category of "would never get [sex] otherwise." I'm nowhere near a Chad. I'm closer to a virgin if anything.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes it is. But may I share something that helps me? I’m a Christian, so my personal source of learning about sex and relationships is the Bible. I say personal because what works for me might not for you, However I’ve always had confidence in my faith. And I’d like to share that, not to convert or preach but to authentically show who I am. I have grace and love to give because I was given that. If you’d like to learn more, a great website you can check out is Boundless. The articles are written in a way that’s easy to understand. There’s a great article on there called Promise Rings and Purity Talks aren’t enough by Juli Slattery. In this she explains the problem of the purity movement and how the Church shames people for being sexual. It does nothing to answer people’s questions, You don’t magically become sexual once you get married, you always were before. She explains how it’s so much more than saving sex for marriage. It’s about loving those with different views of sexuality, thinking about how we can act and respond to those people in love and not judgment. Since I’m here learning about different perspectives, thought I’d share mine. Thanks-Rachel

    • The bible is clearly NOT a good resource to learn about SEX or SEXUALITY.

    • Tamera952, Hey maybe not to you and that’s ok. But it is to me. We’re not all going to like and use the same resources. I wish you a good day 👍🏼

    • Sure, that's true. It's just that a 2,000 year old Bronze-age era collection of myths & fables from a violent, nomadic superstitious patriarchal & illiterate society, with zero world-view, zero knowledge of science or sociology, with zero perspective, just doesn't seem to be a resourceful 'go-to' to learn about sex, but ok. I wish you a good day as well.

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  • Gotta love the Netherlands! They're light years ahead of us socially. I don't know if I'd call it a "basic human right" but I would a basic 'human need' -- & I've thought for DECADES that prostitution should be across the board, LEGAL & SAFE - period FULL STOP.
    But here in puritanical America, we stigmatize (& in some case criminalize) anything involving sex. And for the record, priests are not "becoming" pervs -- they've always been pervs -- And they are a perfect example of what happens when you hold people to an unnatural & absurd standard of celibacy. It almost always backfires. Another is Islamic men in strictly segregated society who have zero contact with the opposite sex, ... it really fucks them up in the head. They go to US & Europe & go 'over-board' making up for lost time.

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16 38
  • It's a basic human right. As in you have the right to have sex. Not you get it whenever you want, for free, whether the other person wants it or not. Just the government doesn't have the right to say two consenting adults can't have sex.

  • Sexual satisfaction is a basic need, and healthcare needs to provide for your sexual health. Access to sex is not a basic need, which is the notion that incels and similar subcultures get wrong. But, given that sex work exists and is protected and not dehumanized, I only see reasonable that it’s made available for people who are in a position that makes sex with a partner difficult to access otherwise.

  • It shows how backward countries like UK and US are. Still largly governed by religious dogma. About time the joined the 21st century!

  • It’s not a human right. You’re allowed to do what you want with your own body. Sexual gratification is healthy. But no one is entitled to another person’s body.

    I do believe prostitution should be legal. But for a completely different reason. My reason is that it happens anyway, and legalizing it would allow it to be regulated. It could be made safer. Sex workers have the right to turn down customers.

    So I believe that sex work should be made legal. But I don’t believe that it should be government subsidized. Because no one is entitled to another person’s body.

  • Providing the other person is willing then sex IS a human right. I would also argue that given humans have a need for human contact it could be argued we have a moral obligation to offer sex.

    • that is interesting. I don't think I can agree either way, but how would that work? Do you mean you should not withhold sex while in a relationship, or is it a broader idea, like for example "someone should take care of the disabled people" ?

    • Occasionally withholding sex because your not mood is one thing, always denying your partner is another.

  • Basic need, not a basic human right. A basic human right is something like food, water, etc.

    • wrong. anything physical cannot be a right because rights cannot be things others must provide you with. rights are things you are born with just because you need something doesn't make it a right

    • The right to food is a human right recognized by international human rights law, don’t reply to my posts if your too dumb to do your research

    • The UN has also decided that broadband internet is a human right. They can declare whatever they want to be a human right, but that doesn't change the fact that compelling it will eventually mean forced labor at the barrel of a gun by someone at some point. In common parlance, we call that slavery.

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  • Who decides what is a "right?"

  • Oh my goodness. No, it's not a basic right. That's ridiculous.

    • Only because its easier for a female to get it when ever she wants

    • It's got nothing to do with what I said. But that statement you made is interesting. If it's so easy for a woman to have sex - let's assume we're only speaking of heterosexual sex - then there should at least he an equal number of men who also get lucky. By default, wouldn't it mean that both men and women find it easy to get sex? But this kind of thing is just saddening. That a government has to get involved in this shit is just beyond me.

    • do you understand that this not for the norm but for the poor dregs of life that have been unfortunate to be born with ugliness and will never be fortunate enough to be in a relationship because as bad as it sound we all shy away from abnormalities and ugliness

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  • No this is not a basic need. It isn’t something that’s necessary to survive.


  • Something that requires the labour of others can never be a human right. It is something a government should not prevent you from seeking, so prostitution for example should be legal, but it is definitely not a right in the positive sense.

  • It's a need, but i wouldn't say its a right one is entitled to. Legalizing prostitution seems the obvious answer.

  • For women and attractive guys, yes, for weak beta males, no.

  • It's not a human right but good for them for looking out! It's definitely a need lol

  • No sex isn't a basic right, it's a basic desire. You do not need it to live and you can't expect anyone to give you it just because you want it.

    • are you married, dating or single?

    • What have that to do with this? I am not justifing an idea just so I could get more sex and have others pay for it. That is corruption. It's just wrong on all levels.

  • In terms of mental health intimacy is a basic need, sex on the other hand isn't something you need in order to live a healthy life, orgasms are good for your health but not having them isn't going to make you ill, and I can achieve them in your own. Involuntarily celibacy actually has a massive impact on mental health mainly in men, but it's more to be with intimacy and validation than actual sex. Maybe they should make hugs a public service. I'm never going to pay for sex as in hard cash, let's face it we all pay for sex one way or another, but paid for sex should just be available to everyone and regulated so sex workers can go about their business in a safe way. I'm surprised it's still illegal in som many places and the governments haven't worked out they could tax it lol

    • Im just saying if a Priest were to be caught tossing him self off, he would be disgraced and probably banned from service so what is he to do? so even tossing yourself off is bad

    • No tossing yourself is not bad I didn't say anything of the sort.

    • gotcha! thanks for the input

  • Sex no. Intimacy … arguably no. A shitstain of a human being don’t deserve intimacy but most people do. You can’t make someone care about you though no matter rights and laws so it’s impossible to declare it a right.

  • Sex is a basic need for those who have it, but sexual gratification with another person is not a right but a privilege. There are other ways to fulfil the need that doesn't exploit others. Of course it's anyone's choice if they want to prostitute themselves and provide sex as a service, but even prostitutes have the right to reject having sex with anyone.

    • of course prostitutes have that choice its not exploitation if their doing it out of their own free will. No one is opposing that! men are considered pervs because they have urges that they can't fulfill why not let them pay a pro to get it

  • I'm dutch and never heard of this. I don't think sex is a right though (that would imply i could demand girls to have sex with me) but it is a need.

  • I love The Netherlands.

    • Your update doesn't change my answer. Here in the US, I would never support government paying for people to have sex. That's socialism taken to the extreme.

    • hense, just legalize it let them pay for it themselves.

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