Should schools give out free condoms or birth control pills?

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  • It’s going to happen whether the school acknowledges it or not.

    • Right?

  • Because young students cannot control their sexual desires

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16 43
  • I think they should definitely have a more detailed sex ed class so that sex can be demystifyed on a medical level supplemented with parents providing the moral and social implications more aligned to their beliefs

    I am a little torn on the condoms and birth control, not because I dont think they shouldn't be there, but because school budgets are already so thin.

  • Okay anything the school "gives out" isn't really "free" it comes from tax payers money... If people think they're old enough to be having sex, it's not the schools responsibility or tax payers to pay for it. YouA girl is responsible enough to talk to her mom and go to the family doctor to get on birth control. There's also clinics that you can go to. No I don't believe it's the school or tag. Tax payers responsibility to provide teens with free tools to have sex.

    • Yes, my authoritarian parent would be terribly pleased if I have express my sexual needs.

    • So because parents may not approve, the school or tax payers should? Birth control pills require an examination by doctor prescribing them. Should the school also pay for that? Schools are meant to be an educational institution to give you the learning tools to be successful not to aid it's students in having sex. And there are places like planned Parenthood that will assist with free condoms and birthcontrol.

    • Agree to disagree.

  • I dont want anyone encouraging my kid to have sex. Providing them with condoms is a way of encouragement in my opinion. If the kid isn't smart enough to go out and buy their own protection before having sex, then thats on them. They should promote saving sex til marriage or til at least tf out of HS. How can they promote condoms and then say Dont get pregnant in Hs… then they’d prob start promoting abortions. Like no. Its one big never ending cycle of fcked up. Leave the condom responsibility to the parents or kids

    • When boy and girl are in extreme heat, they do not care for result, they forget the use BC and protective stuff, they put off their thurst

  • Offering condoms and bc pills means they are promoting sex among students. Why should they do it?

    • Is bandaging an injury promoting violence?

    • Well I feel it's distributing bandage before injury, so in a way, you're preparing the mindset that someone's gonna get injured.. May be violence is expected soon.. get ready

    • because teenagers are gonna do it anyways so might as well be safe about it.

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  • Yes! Because that’s how I was able to have safe sex despite parents who tried to control my body.

  • No, thats not what they are getting paid to do. Should doctors give out free bread? Should janitors give out free slurpees? Why the hell would that be a thing? First and foremost no one is obligated to give any one free shit period. Just because you want free shit doesn't mean you deserve it. Second, its a school, their job is to teach, not to parent not to dictate morality, to teach math, history, science, thats it.

  • No that'd be like promoting sex. They should just educate them more in a class about it but giving that stuff away is like telling them go have sex and forget learning whats more important. School is a learning environment and of course teens are curious about sex but not all of them are ready either and even then that'll put more peer pressure on them emotionally. Why do you think more and more teen pregnancies are happening? Because more TV shows are glorifying teen pregnancy. Im not saying all teen moms are unsuccessful but half the time the guy doesn't stay around with the girl or his child and number 2, they have to grow up real fast. Sometimes sex is better waited till college or at least after high school because some teens are also immature.

  • BY FAR less expensive in the long run than state-subsidized childcare, and unwed Mother food subsidies; regardless society's 'Polyanna' ethical fantasies. YOUNGEST KNOW pregnancy was 1958 Lina Medina of Catholicized Peru at age 5 years 7 months and was NOT a rape. Lina REFUSED to disclose the name of her Lover.

  • Condoms yes BC is harder as it’s doctor more than a thing.

    with Condoms I know schools in a few places were doing them.

    when I did my volunteer stint at counselling centre, one of the things we did was give sexual health advice, booked counselling session etc to youth clubs and had pods at schools.

    we gave out free condoms.

    also at the centre we had a large tub where young adults could get them from 8am to 9pm

    we also did free pregnancy tests, Chlamydia testing etc.
    The realities are (specifically UK) young adults are having sex at 14, 15, 16 etc. And they need access to protection from STD’s and pregnancy.

    • My school had a full on clinic with a nurse practitioner and we got free birth control. I got it all through college too.

  • First, birth control pills have to be prescribed, so no way can schools give them away. making condoms available for students to take free but not giving them directly sounds like something that is done already and should be fine doing.

  • Condoms in high school, yes. Pills? No, that needs to be prescribed by a doctor.

  • Condoms were available at my school for anyone who needed them. The easy availability of contraception does not encourage sexual activity. It makes sexual activity safer.

  • I think if they did that that would be some form of promoting it and I don't think that's good but I do think that they should have condoms in the rest room

  • I don’t necessarily think it should be schools to give them out. However, all health clinics usually do for free. At least in Canada as far as I know.

  • Definitely condoms. They are relatively inexpensive when bought in bulk and would reduce a lot of heart ache. As for birth control pills, they can cost a bit of money that most schools would not be able to afford and you need a prescription for them. If it could be done inexpensively I would be in favor of it.

  • Condoms yes, birth control no.

    The only reason I said no is because there’s different types of birth control and based on your body, medical history, etc; they should be prescribed by your doctor first before handing it out.
    Also another thing is people should also be reminded that birth control doesn’t protect against STDs which we all know but not everyone in school will know that so it’s a complex situation.

  • uh my schools did... ? condoms, not birth control pills. with birth control pills you need a prescription...

  • If we're talking about a private school that is funding them through their tuition revenue, and parents can choose whether or not to send their kids there, then sure, they should at least be allowed to provide that if they want to.

    Public schools, though? Absolutely not.

    • Why not

    • Because some people would have moral objections to such a policy, so if that policy were instituted in public schools, those people would not only be forced to fund the condoms and birth control, but they would also be forced to send their children there. It's the same reason that even if it's conceded that abortion should be legal, abortion clinics should not receive public funding, because it's all kinds of fucked up to force people at gunpoint to fund something that they see as murdering babies. The fact that it's happening at all is bad enough, but then to also force them to be complicit in it themselves? That's incredibly fucked up.

    • Oh yes, I almost neglect the morality factor everywhere.

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  • Condoms yes. Birth control pills are a bit trickier, but they should be available for free.

  • That's already a thing here. However it's sexist cause birth control pills ya have to buy. Condoms be free.

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