Straight people, if you saw a very hot person who said they are a virgin would this increase or decrease their attractiveness?

Let's suppose you saw him/her on insta and thought they are very good looking like above 8 out of 10 and the caption indicates they are untouched (virgin) would this increase or decrease their attractiveness?

Vote A
Vote B
Stay the same
Vote C
I'm not straight
Vote D
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Girl Guy
0 1

Superb Opinion

  • At my age, decrease. A woman in her 40s that's still a virgin is going to be real hard to explain in terms of anything other than various types of neurosis. Not impossible, mind..

    A girl around 20? Neither, really. Such women are only availible to me in my imagination so they can be anything I want them to be.

    • Lol the last sentence. So true

Most Helpful Guy

  • Virginity is not a turn-on nor a turn off for me. If anything, it's probably a little bit of a turn off because they don't know what to do or what to expect. On the other hand it would be fun teaching them

Most Helpful Girl

  • It would stay the same. To me virginity has nothing to do with attractiveness. It doesn't make me be interested in someone nor it makes me lose interest.
    And I'm a virgin, so it wouldn't really matter to me.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 22
  • Increase value and make more desirable 💪

  • Stay the same, for me. As long as they're currently not a slut or have any diseases, I don't care about their "body count."

  • Definitely increase.

  • Her being virgin wouldn't decrease her attractiveness, but her tagging it on her pictures is a little dodgy. It may be totally fine, but usually an indicator she won't like me.

  • Increase, I prefer a virgin over a ho, nature adores a virgin trope.