How many sexual partners have you had?

I had to think about this one. I came up with 19. Four one timer encounters, but one of those was with three girls at once (that was fun!). Three short term girlfriends. Twice with good (not skanky) prostitutes. Five relationships that lasted several months. Two that lasted over a year and included moving in together. And my wife.
Wow, and I thought only women could be Ho's. Three at once?
Ahh, I had a one night stand (it was my first time and the only time), then I had a LDR, my ex is/was virgin (I don't know anymore), then I had a tons of flings with online women from almost every region of the planet. Basically, I only had the real deal once.
Zero, and I'm glad. I'm 16, I don't want to be getting into all that yet. I have other goals. :)
I didn’t have sex until I was 18. It’s worth the wait for the a good experience.
I'd rather wait until marriage, but that's just me :)
Hey to each their own. Hopefully once your married he isn’t bad in bed lmao
Do you not stick with a man if he’s not automaticity good in bed? Legit. You need to communicate
@selfdestruction Girls like her don't communicate. They just want everything handed to them ;)
@InTimoreDei damn I just got roasted. I’ll give you that one. Honestly I don’t know how anyone can be okay with commuting to someone before having sex with them. For me, things change when you have sex. It’s like you are learning about a whole other side of them. And whether or not you like that side is the issue. I dated a guy who I really liked for a couple months. Turned out he had a pet fetish and wasn’t sexually attracted to me so he wouldn’t have sex with me. What if I married someone like that and didn’t know?
@BrookieCookie0422 Ok, that makes sense. But, from my experience, the girl explained all her likes and dislikes so I knew beforehand and wasn't thrown a curveball.
@InTimoreDei so before two people have their white wedding they go over everything the like and dislike sexually despite never having had sex before?
I'm impressed by that post
Have you had sex yet? How about given a blowjob?
@Paige90 Wow it’s been ages since I posted this😂In short, no because I’m waiting until marriage😊
Zero, and I will do it with 1 man, who I want to spend the rest of my life with😊
What he turns out to be bad in bed?
You communicate to become better
@BrookieCookie0422 There's nothing to compare it to. The problem with having so many partners is that you have a lot of people to compare.
You get it!
@InTimoreDei I understand. If two people really care about each other they will work together to make it better.
Hookup culture disagrees. Men are disposable.
@selfdestruction 😂
Am I wrong? You seem to be in it. How many men can you get in a matter of one hour?
@selfdestruction what do you mean? You mean if I went somewhere and hit up a bunch of guys to sleep with me that day?
I’m saying if you wanted to. Not that you would
Lol is he joking girl lol
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!I haven’t had any so it’s zero at the moment
Your a virgin. Message me
Yeah I am virgin
Do you masturbate
Oh why do you wanna know if I do
Curious. I do
Well most people do it’s something normal I suppose
Well? Do you
Text me Where you from?
I am from Florida
Oh ok cool. Text me please
16 I believe
A few.
1. I saved myself for my husband
Was it worth it?
TOO MANY. lolxxoo
5 and hopefully not more than that.
38 partners to date, not including oral
Way too many. Possibly 3 digit range.
Sure you have!
I never counted, but now that I am married I only have one. And if he is traveling I rely on BOB, or my Battery Operated Boyfriend.
Girl me
Yes I have!
I think 9? Yeah... I lost my virginity at 19 and I just turned 22.
9 in 4 years, that's nice
u a hoe or what
Fffft the same thing could be said about guys being fuckboys..
I was single and did whatever I wanted..
That's great
I'm 20 and I've had 2.
I had 4 but all before 2017.. don't have anyone now
Only one (I don't believe in promiscuity or casual sex).
Sex in general 5, intercourse 2.
Don't have exact number but for a three year period tgere I was heavily active in both my Sex Addiction and Alcoholism and had sex with two to three different guys a day weekends were more. So I'll say well over 200, grant it there could have been repeats during black out periods not sure but I remember each guy's face when alert just to be certain I didn't know him. When acting in my Sex Addiction it has to be Anon Sex.
By Anon Sex do you mean that none of them were relationships, just sex? And how do you repeat with a guy if you don't know him? Even if you only had sex once a day for 2 years, if they were all different that would be over 700.
Red_Arrow, I was not capable of a relationship at that time I was in complete Self-Destruct Mode. I said well over 200 take off for 5 days each month for my periods a hospital stay for pneumonia and collapsed lung, broken ribs which also caused a lung to collapse, broken leg, ankle, and foot, and physically sick with flu once or twice maybe.
9 . One of them off and on for 4 years
5 so fat
How fat were they
So... I just laughed pretty hard this. Clearly I'm not as mature as i would hope to be, at 34.
... And then autocorrect makes me sound dumb. Stupid karmic irony.
Just one.
Way more than I would admit here
Well... lol...
Do you meet them at bars, or what?
In college I slept around a lot. So about 35. It is not something I brag about or even tell anyone about it. I just wanted to have fun enjoy sex with different girls before I settled down and got married.
15 guys. 1 girl.
Zero. And I am no longer interested.
Sexual INTERCOURSE partners?
As for making out with girls but not having intercourse, it's probably at least double that.
Only 2
Were they good?
Just 3
Damn I’m surprised women’s numbers aren’t bigger. I’ve had 8.
You think they're being truthful? 🤣
Actually there are a few more answers after I answered on here that seem legit. This question pops up on GaG all the time and most of the women say zero-3. I don’t know about truthful but statistically that’s not normal.
One, and I hope to keep it that way.
I've had 2
Something like 12 or 13. More if you count just fooling around, but i'm assuming you mean actual intercourse.
More black guys then white but my younger days add a lot of guys
How many? Why more black guys
Once i dated trayvon i got turned out and. Well😃
They have bigger dicks
Unfortunatley none. Feel kinda depressed about it, am considering just doing it with an escort to get it over with but I'm on the fence. Feels morally wrong.
Don't do it just to do it- there's nothing wrong with waiting on it and if it's your first time I think it's nice to have someone that you're comfortable with... or at least someone who's doing it because they like you and not because you're paying them. You're really not missing out on much, I wouldn't say it's worth it to buy an escort anyways.
@TheOneAndOnlySimon the only issue is that the prospects of finding someone to get close with are slim, since I don't have a social circle
Then you've just gotta make one 😄 Find the time to go out- maybe even download one of those apps for social events. Be confident and make yourself approachable, and things will start to fall into place. In my experience, when you find someone you click with... it kinda just happens. Doesn't matter whether you're looking or not, you bump into someone, spend some time talking, and you realize that you're into em or that they're into you. Not saying that that's flawless or that you can just go out and *boom* something happens- but you never know either. At the same time, if all you do is work and then stay at home, you're not going to run into as many people. Gotta make an effort to get out and do something, and eventually you'll meet people with similar interests.
@TheOneAndOnlySimon all of that, of course, does make perfect sense. But alas.
You get out what you put in 👍
If you are going to go with an escort, make sure they have a website and always use protection.
Ten so far
A lot
Seven. But I haven’t went all out before. I’m sure I could bump it up to the 30s in a year if I really wanted to.
Ten guys and two girls
No sex yet, zero
Can you message back?
That is admirable.
good, take ur time, don't listen to the lecher to message back
@Hassaniscool if you only knew
@jcampbell115 knew what
Probably the only time zero counts 😂 given that people don't forget to write down in matrimony that they are looking for a virgin 😂
3 sexual partners
First was a 4 year relationship
Second was a mistake and a we had sex but regretted during so asked to stop.
Third 6 years and counting
Zero, and I believe it's going to stay that way. I just don't feel secure around women, and I can't trust them.
What about yourself?
I haven't had vaginal sex with them but 2
I haven't had penis sex with them but 1 😂😂
Just one.
3, my 3 exes
Though i didn't had sex with my 3rd ex
3, and all of them were them doing the approaching (I'm really shy IRL.)
No 1 ended due to study related reasons and she found someone nearby.
No 2 I won't say out of respect.
No 3 ended cause she moved away and we drifted apart.
Sorry to hear that 😕 breakups suck The guy I’m with now, I ended up approaching him first and I got him hooked after that. Had I not, he may have never gotten with me.
Next time you see him, give him a random hug. That will ignite a spark. That's all it takes to show you care. Even by this small text chat we did, I can tell you're a good person. Stay that way, buddo.
2 and I wish it was with someone I dated long term
40 for me
0, I am saving myself for a special woman.😊
7. Most just used me for sex then dumped me cause they were desperate. I've never had a girlfriend unfortunately.
Too few, but I'm not complaining.
Too few? What’s the minimum?
Only one partner. I waited for marriage. And I am proud of being one of the rare men that did so.
I pray I'll marry a man who did the same!!!
@Renee93 I hope you eventually find a man that will wait for you
Nevermind, you're engaged. Hope you two get married soon :P
Haha...@InTimoreDei I'm not engaged? 😄
Do you know something I don't know? 😋
@Renee93 Fortune teller. LOL. Nah, just misread your profile haha
@InTimoreDei awwww and here I was getting all excited 😒 lol
18 or 19. But im with my wife for 4 years now
A whopping Zero. 0
I stopped counting at 10.
I would say not many more than that though.
@B1gdf Lol you should run for office with answers like that.
I’m no player, believe me. I couldn’t be a politician. People don’t want to hear how things really are.
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